the eye
Your eye examination is the fundamental aspect of your visit to our practice.
We promise a thorough eye examination with the highest standard of care and the most appropriate recommendations.
The examination usually lasts approximately 30 – 40 minutes.
We have invested in state of the art ophthalmic instrumentation.

Please call one of our branches directly to book a test:
Norwood Perrin, Barnsley:
Tel: 01226 206033
Norwood Perrin, Royston:
Tel: 01226 722 238
Your examination will include vital health checks. Our expertise and equipment can detect early signs of conditions such as glaucoma, cataract, diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) to name but a few.
We offer digital retinal photography – this enables us to look at the condition of the back surface of the eye. These images can be saved on your digital file so that we can compare the images on each visit enabling us to detect any changes or potential problems.

There is no longer need to use the “puff of air” test to check the pressure in your eye. We use modern instrumentation to check pressures to ensure a comfortable visit to our practice.
Your sight test will include refraction to establish if a prescription is required to correct your vision. If no prescription is required, we will advise of this. If a correction is recommended, we can guide you in your choices with our professional expertise.
We also participate in the NHS funded Optometry First scheme which allows us to assess and treat certain minor eye conditions. If you suffer from irritable eyes, sore eyes, running eyes, red eyes, eye or eyelid infections, ingrowing eyelashes, foreign bodies in the eye, sudden loss of quality of vision or any other eye problem such as flashes or floaters, we are here to help you, with an early appointment.
Get in touch with our friendly team to make an appointment